Recent Posts by Narasimha Mohan

Why VCs are investing in Flipkart Ola though they are in loss

        Why are VCs investing in Flipkart, Ola though they are at a loss? Any professional investor or venture capitalist would invest only for returns; no one would have long term plans or goals with any company. However, ultimately VCs care and love to know about only three things. How much equity will I get? What is ...

Early stage Startup calculator

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We can consider 7 things which contribute for the valuation 1. Fixed Assets, 2. The team, 3. Founder, 4 Scalability, 5. The size of the market, 6. Customers, 7. Analytics. Fixed assets: The first item which considers at the time of valuation is fixed asset and easy to conclude the assessment either. It values not only the ...

Startup boom a bubble?

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An export can create real revenue and great impact on the economy of any nation. If we don't focus on the exports, to my knowledge the startup boom is a bubble it won't be long lasting, and the success rate goes more worst. We can evidence that majority of the companies in the startup space are firing the ...

Convince customer with limitation

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Convince customer with the limitation of your competitor. Every entrepreneur should know the limitation of their competitor. For instance, we have a lot of features on a smartphone. Fm Radio, Music, Watch, Videos, Internet, Browsing, GPS, Storage device, Camera Did it replace the camera, GPS, watch and storage devices? The answer is NO since mobile has its limitation for all the features other ...

Dear Entrepreneur don’t ignore

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What is the impact of Reviews, Rating, and feedback in the current eCommerce trend? Do we take care of these? The answer is a big 'YES.' Let's see why? Before buying any product, we look for three things. Quality : Quality plays a vital role to have a bond with the customer. However, the customer expects for the best quality ...

Google and Microsoft failed either

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Google vs Microsoft: Keep experimenting with new opportunities as we can't predict the market, every company and entrepreneur have had failures no one can be escaped.Innovation/Research/ Experiment, these sounds pretty hazardous to a businessperson as it is tough to have a concrete budget. However, one successful experiment can effort more than 10 failure experiments. Innovation changes ...

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