One of my friends would like to start an IT company which sells service in .net technology. I know him personally no doubt he is an expert and can be an excellent solution provider but the reality of IT and ITES is different. A service will have good return when it has a demand, but the supply ...
About: Narasimha Mohan
Recent Posts by Narasimha Mohan
How to start a startup journey with basic business plan
How to start a startup journey. Plan to start or start to plan a start-up? Before answer this question. Theory?...Practical?.... Which is first? I would suggest keeping the minimum plan in place to manage the basic things instead of spending a lot of time to prepare a detailed plan because 80% of it may not work as ...
Entrepreneur hiccups
Once you decided to be an entrepreneur the issue starts from your near and dear ones. don't be annoyed that may not be their interest be brave and prove yourself. I have attempted to describe entrepreneur hiccups with cartoons. Girl friends are so smart: A married guy has a different problem to deal: Hiccups from fiancee: Entrepreneur hiccups from father: Friends: Ha..ha..ha..this is ...
Order food online at a glance
Online food ordering is one of the hot picks for the entrepreneurs in the current trend. Currently, we have three models are in the market 1. Restaurant listing 2. Own Kitchen 3. Marketplace, which business model would be good to pitch in? How to penetrate the market? What are the challenges? What is the market potential? ...
Recent Comments by Narasimha Mohan
- February 18, 2021 on The art of the deal
- February 11, 2021 on What is Unique selling proposition why does startup need it