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Book review: Attitude is everything

 Author: Jeff Keller  Category: Self Help  Publisher: HarperCollins  Published on: 1999  Pages: 128  Language: English More Details

About the Author:

Jeff Keller is motivational speaker, writer and a lawyer. He did research on attitude for more than 20 years and turned into a well know writer and speaker.

The content in brief:

“Attitude is everything” is a catchy and well known sentence we hear from our elders all the time. By seeing the book I thought, let me check my attitude whether I am on the right path or not?. It is a good book with three parts and 12 chapters which describes that positive attitude will bring the positive results in life. Jeff had filled the book with his personal and some of the high achievers experiences. How the positive attitude changed his life over night from a dreaded lawyer to a motivational speaker. A simple mental filter of optimism can help to propel you toward your goals. He says, THINK….SPEAK….ACT. which are the three parts the book got divided into. Positive thoughts start from the mind, Our words reflect the mind and create the path to travel, the action drives the path and gets positive results. This is what the book all about.

As it a self-help book everyone can read. However, it is a good book for a pessimist whose mind is full of negative thoughts. “Attitude is everything” helps to change the way you think, speak and act with your family, friends and relatives. Eventually, your world will be filled with positive energy. Be positive and change your life.

Highlights from the book:

  1. As I said Jeff filled with good amount of realistic examples.
  2. Majority of the pages have good quotes which keeps you get inspired to read the book.
  3. When your dominant belief is that you can achieve your goal, you begin taking the actions necessary to move in that direction.
  4. Everyday, listen to motivational audio programs. You can listen to them in your car while commuting. When you hear these messages over and over they become part of you.
  5. How adversity serves us: Adversity gives us perspective, teaches us to be grateful, brings out hidden potential, encourages us to make changes and take action, teaches us valuable lessons, opens a new door, builds confidence and self-esteem.

What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Napoleon Hill

A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.

Hugh Downs

Enjoy reading,


Narasimha Mohan.

Why to read great books
