The best way to change a society is to change the people mindset. To change the mindset we need at least one person from each family should be employed so minimum needs would get fulfilled. No government in the world can create the employment for the whole nation, eventually, a lot of private sector jobs should fill ...
4 startup ideas for 2016
Idea-1 (IOT): IOT..did you hear about this?, it stands for Internet of Things which connects different devices or objects. Let's see how many devices connect to the internet in today's world, laptops, desktops, smartphones, tabs, smart TV watches etc. The big electronic giants are planning to connect all the home appliances to the internet in 2-3 years. ...
How to start a startup journey with basic business plan
How to start a startup journey. Plan to start or start to plan a start-up? Before answer this question. Theory?...Practical?.... Which is first? I would suggest keeping the minimum plan in place to manage the basic things instead of spending a lot of time to prepare a detailed plan because 80% of it may not work as ...
Entrepreneur hiccups
Once you decided to be an entrepreneur the issue starts from your near and dear ones. don't be annoyed that may not be their interest be brave and prove yourself. I have attempted to describe entrepreneur hiccups with cartoons. Girl friends are so smart: A married guy has a different problem to deal: Hiccups from fiancee: Entrepreneur hiccups from father: Friends: Ha..ha..ha..this is ...
Order food online at a glance
Online food ordering is one of the hot picks for the entrepreneurs in the current trend. Currently, we have three models are in the market 1. Restaurant listing 2. Own Kitchen 3. Marketplace, which business model would be good to pitch in? How to penetrate the market? What are the challenges? What is the market potential? ...