Effective public speaking is writing a script in the mind and on the paper. Wait….Wait, I understand that you are preparing a script on paper. Then what is the difference? The difference is text book reading vs question bank reading. Text book teaches what to study but the question bank teaches how to pass. Write the agenda on paper for 10 times so that it get registered in the mind to drive the speech otherwise, the mind jumps to different topics.
The Topic
Master the topic or choose the topic which you are already master in, so that the speech can be filled with relevance. If you are a bachelor or lower than that your speech will be filled with irrelevance. Map the topic with interesting examples, it increases the % of reach. If possible, map the examples from your life because it increases memory and timing. The topic may go off from the mind but the examples from the speaker’s life restore it back.
The Focus
The honesty reflects in the speech, I understand your question how come honesty is linked with speech? Yes, honesty towards learning, honesty towards delivering, honesty towards agenda, honesty towards teaching, honesty to convince yourself would increase the focus. Focus increases the confidence, and it helps to convince maximum number of audience.
Emotional Distance
Be open and clear to the audience by adding little humor so that the emotional distance will be decreased between speaker and audience. Speech does not have any formula, it has only an agenda. Speaker can prepare his/her formula. The moment you start following other’s formula you will get confused will get confused. Teach your mind that the audience is just like me.
Self Confidence
A movie actor may not be nervous in front of the camera but he/she will be nervous in a public speech the reasons are simple 1. Lack of experience 2. Unknown crowd. So, the key here is to get familiarity with audience before starting a speech, it does not mean to know everyone’s name and address. Introduce yourself and train your brain in such a way that you are definitely better than the audience that is why you are on the stage and they are here to listen. However, it should not lead to overconfidence. Just train for that moment.
Know the audience
There are three types of audience 1. Intellectual group — These people may not ask questions if the speech is not up to their expectation, they just leave the place 2. Middle group — These people ask the questions 3. Lower group — These people just spend the time and leave. I have divided the groups not only based on the intelligence but the interest in the topic either. Speaker should know their audience because he/ she should prepare the body language, presentation of the topic, relevancy of the topic, organization of the topic, in such a way to convince them.
All the best
Be an effective speaker.
Another good read

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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