Entrepreneurship is a great struggle with a lot of positive vibrations in life. Your passion drives towards success. Rome was not built in a day; nothing can be done overnight unless you have some supersonic power from God :). A part of struggle you can have happiness, sweet memories, and satisfaction in life. Just imagine the moment while traveling towards success, you can’t map with any other achievement. Apparently, it increases the span of your life either. However, eight beautiful things that you should enjoy in entrepreneurship regardless of the result.
Work Satisfaction:
Let me ask a straight question to employees, how many of you are happy with your job? How many of you have job satisfaction? I have been hearing from many of my friends and colleagues that they want to quit the job and do something which they like. Apparently, in reality, it is not so easy.
Honestly, it is difficult to focus on work even six hours but you can work more than 12 hours without any pain in entrepreneurship. The majority of the companies use various tricks (flexible timings, work from home, games for recreation, outing etc) to create work satisfaction and extract more productivity, nevertheless, it should be organic.
The Beautiful fact here is:
You don’t like to do even 6 hours a day as an employee but you would love working more than 12 hours as an entrepreneur.
Freedom in decision making:
As an employee, you will have some limitation to make decisions, however, as an entrepreneur, you have the luxury to make decisions.
Your decision has an impact on a smaller team or just yourself as an employee. However, as an entrepreneur, your decision have a great impact, respect, and value. You will be forced to mature enough to keep that value. Consequently, you will be so careful while making any decision; eventually, your maturity level would increase.
The Beautiful fact here is: As an employee, you wanted to make a decision on your own to satisfy your ego. However, as a real entrepreneur, you would like to take decisions from team to make a decision. 🙂
Being your boss-Entrepreneur:
‘Be your boss,’ sounds great, your boss and his boss shares responsibility in employment, the % of responsibility depends on at the level of hierarchy where you are. As an entrepreneur, you are at the top of the hierarchy. Consequently, it enables you to be 100% responsible and guide the team. As your role is bigger which will be enabled to learn many things.
The Beautiful fact here is:
‘Being your boss’ you will be more responsible than an employee.
Flexible timings:
As you are the boss you may not have restricted timings; no one would dare to ask about your timings.
The Beautiful fact here is:
You will be forced to come on time to ensure team comes on time as it’s your time, your money and it’s your growth.
End to end life cycle of business:
Knowing end to end life cycle of a business is great learning which is not an easy opportunity for everyone. As an employee, you will be part of a small piece of execution, imagine the difference of knowledge from an employee to entrepreneur. Enjoy it.
The Beautiful fact here is:
As an employee, you would always try to delegate the work. You would enjoy here to learn more and work more.
Leading an organization:
Leading an organization is an opportunity which everyone won’t get, as you are the face of the company your attitude and behavior directly reflects. It increases your patience, decision-making skills, working as a team, leadership skills and maturity.
The Beautiful fact here is:
Perhaps as an employee, you have backup to take care in your absence. Unfortunately, it is tough to create a backup and take a vacation, however, you would still enjoy as it is your kingdom.
Your hidden skills will be enabled:
Everyone has skills but we don’t let them come out as the majority of the people would like to follow one formula: that is employment. Entrepreneurship is the right platform to enable your hidden talent and skills as you have freedom and luxury to implement them.
The Beautiful fact here is:
As an employee you may hide your talent but as an entrepreneur eventually those hidden skills will be enabled.
Fulfilling dreams:
Few people have dreams buying Mercedes, buying a big bungalow, traveling across the world, leading a company and social status. Apparently, entrepreneurship is the right choice to fulfill your dreams.
The Beautiful fact here is:
An entrepreneur only can enjoy these facts, not an employee.
Enjoy Jokes: Business Humor

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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