Every mindset is different, and every person is different. Certainly, we have some common ideology and habits. Everyone need a profession to lead their personal life. A profession can be employment, small business, entrepreneurship, etc. However, working towards to fulfill them is a real challenge.
Anyone can turn as an entrepreneur. However, very few people become successful. What is the fundamental concept behind it? Let me describe small differences between who is desperate for entrepreneurship and the one who choose entrepreneurship as one of the options.
My intention is simple; I would like to let everyone know that entrepreneurship works based on how you prepare your mind. As it is not an easy task to do.Think Numerous times before you choose. Below points would help to understand you better. For which type of entrepreneur your ideology belongs to and how it works.
An opportunity:
The difference in seeing the opportunity.
Real entrepreneur:
These guys would like to see every opportunity in different directions. How worthy is it? How does it work for my long term goal? How does it work for short term goal? If it is just raw, how to cook it as delicious food? How to make it more profitable with a potential business association.
Entrepreneur as an option:
These guys cannot see the real potentiality in the opportunity as they would like to see every opportunity just in currency.
An Idea- Entrepreneur ideas:
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
Bruce Lee
True entrepreneur:
Every day thinks of a new idea, it continues the process as they choose it is the only profession. Apparently, these guys would come up with multiple ideas and work with like minded people to check which idea would really work. Pick that idea fine tune and work hard to make it happen.
Entrepreneur as an option:
These guys would think about an idea based on the situation and mood.
Real entrepreneur:
This guy works to solve a problem. Focus on working towards achieving goal, develop a product which customer needs. These guys don’t start a startup for funding. Certainly, these guys look for funding to streamline the business. However, more than funds they believe in their efforts and concept.
Entrepreneur as an option:
These guys would love to start a startup to get funding and manage the show. For instance, if there is a running race which the winner’s prize of $25000.These guys would dream for the prize money while running in the competition which deviates from the goal. However, ‘desperate to be entrepreneurs‘ will focus on reaching the goal.
This simple difference makes a lot of difference in attitude to execute the startup.
Mental readiness to work:
The startup is not a ready to wear suit. You have to get it stitched based on the requirement.
Real entrepreneur:
The tricky part of sewing a suit is to take measurements, Cutting the cloth per measurement and stitch it. These guys are ready to do every task involved in it because they know the real meaning of dignity of labor.
Let me tell my personal experience. I delivered food to customers on a bike in my food tech startup; it is much lower than working as the delivery guy for Mc Donald as McD is a big brand. However, I know the real meaning of dignity of labor.
Entrepreneur as an option:
These guys would like to enjoy the power rather than creating power. However, I enjoy creating power because I can own it. Please realize that who is ready to take pain can gain something.
Real entrepreneur:
No matter how difficult is the journey these guys are ready to face any problem as they are desperate to be an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur as an option:
These guys work as a cat on a wall as entrepreneurship is one of the options.
Comfort :
Real entrepreneur:
These guys find comfort in every task as they do and enjoy every moment of the journey.
Entrepreneur as an option:
These guys would love to choose a job which gives more comfort with fewer efforts.
Take Away:
- My intention is to increase the % of success by letting know how a real entrepreneur think.
- I don’t say people who choose ‘Entrepreneur as an option’ are wrong, but % of success is negligible.
- Only desperateness won’t work, you should have right plan to execute either.
Recommended Article: Wrong notion about ‘Never give up.’

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
Good article. Liked it. Keep rocking…