Everyone is a frog in their well including top ten rich people in the world, the severity of any desire seeds from comparing themselves with others in that well. Eventually, requirements keep changing based on the new well you get in, this is the truth of life, to my knowledge, one of the below attributes turn individuals as great entrepreneurs.
Difficult childhood-Entrepreneurs:
Difficult childhood may not be a curse if you see that at a right angle it is a blessing as you understand the reality of the life at early stages, it is a great opportunity to turn to be independent. Financial crisis teach how valuable, how difficult, and how important is the currency to survive. The struggle increases severity to achieve a goal. The goal changes from person to person, some would fight until they get basic needs, some would fight until they get a good job, some would not sleep until they see a big success, these are entrepreneurs.
Social status:
Apparently, I personally, love social status, it works as power and money and you will be respected, recognized and well treated, unfortunately, or fortunately social status and money are a combo pack. However, we have many people have social status without money, but status in the society is easier with money, so the majority of the people put efforts to earn money to get social status. Indeed, this could be one of the strong reasons to become an entrepreneur.
Need for money:
Money makes many things, few people says money can make anything, I would say the money needs based on the lifestyle. Apparently, every human would love to get into a better lifestyle based day by day. To my knowledge, our society is with five layers of people.
- Poverty.
- Middle-income group.
- Higher income group.
- Rich income group.
- Very rich.
As I said, based on the comparison of lifestyle, and severity of the desire, entrepreneur’s subconscious mind would always work to get into the fifth group.
Risk lover and optimist:
Highly optimistic individuals who don’t like to have routine life, ready to make risk and convert them into an opportunity can suit for entrepreneurs. These guys are very energetic and planned enough to face the risk. However, few people would love to make risk as they are financially healthy.
Highly motivated and passionate individuals would always prefer to be independent as they need freedom to execute their ideas without any deviation. People with this mindset can’t survive in jobs for a longer time. These guys like to turn as employers rather than employees, and they wanted to be their boss.
Also Read: 9 Essential habits to be healthy for every entrepreneur
Check it out if you fit into any of the categories 🙂

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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