Honestly, I am not a book reader except academic books just few days before exams. Few of my blog readers usually ask me ” please let us know the great books you read” I said, I write my mind and I am so lazy and lethargic in reading books and the other reason is “I don’t like to follow others” which is wrong.
I realized that, logically, book reading is not following others but understanding others. However, life is not good all the time, it puts you down, I believe, it happens for everyone but in various ways. Of course, I am not excluded either, it attempted to put me down in multiple ways for some reason.
One fine morning while reading newspaper with a cup of coffee as part of my daily routine I read an interesting article which is close to my heart and very inspiring, it helped me to stay energetic and relaxed for the whole day. Then I realized how important to read great books. Yes, reading books became part of my life. How it impacts? What is the great difference we could see? To my knowledge, books are four types 1. Motivational (Facts of life) 2. Drama (Creation like novels, friction etc.) 3. Knowledge (Specific topic, academics or subject) and 4. Reality (Biographic).

Thousands of people are struggling alone in their journey just like you. No matter, the goal they have or the direction of the journey they are in. However, you may not have them close to you, books can evident their stories and brings them close to you. Majority of the people think in their bad days that why only me? but No, it is not only you, there are Numerous people who went through and achieved something big.
Emotional bond:
You feel better by reading motivational and inspiring stories. Apart from these, it improves your self-confidence, self-esteem and knowledge. You will establish an emotional bond as it replace your parent to guide, it replace your friend to remember your strengths and weakness, it replace your teacher to teach an unknown topic.
Where are you?

As I always say life is a comparison, we compare our lives with others which is the essential problem for all problems. Yes, it is common for human being however, the percentage of comparison makes the difference in life, I would advise keep the percentage very low so you can lead a happy life however, don’t lower your aspirations. Great books help you to know where you are? How far you are from your goal.
Great books help you to enhance your knowledge. No one is master of all topics; we have to depend on books to understand the topic we want to learn. For instance, Heat, Electricity are Greek and Latin for me, I need to depend on books as it is not my cup of tea. Neither I invent them or learn as my masters/bachelors. Let me reveal a fact here, it indicates that we are just following others invention for the whole academic period. My idea is not to criticize the education system rather lack our innovation capabilities.
Stress reduction:

Indeed, great books help you to release stress and anxiety. Reading will reduce your stress as you can map your life with the real characters, you can map your life lessons, you can map your struggles and find solutions, you can map your reality with others reality in the book. Most importantly you will get engaged with the book, so you do not get time to think of other challenges.
Awakes you:
Great books awake the hidden talent in you, they are just like a good friend who can motivate and shows the other side of you to you. They introduce your inner power and abilities to you, bridge the gap between you and yourself. Lack of practice or lack of interest in our skills and talents get abolished over a period of time, great books brings them back to you.
Take Away:
- Great books help you to be confident in any situation.
- They reintroduce your strength and inner power to you.
- Great books are stress busters.
- Keeps your mind stable.
- Stable mind can be effective in decision making.
Book reviews which will help you to choose good books

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
good read