The majority of us dream about corporate jobs in academics. Excellent salary, beautiful campus, a wallet full of credit cards, few foreign trips and other benefits. However, why do we hate the same dream job after few years? Is it because of expectation difference between corporate and employee? What is bothering us to hate? Let’s see 7 Reasons why you hate your well paid corporate job.
1.Competitive deadlines:
Unfortunately, deadlines are killing some people. Where do these deadlines come from? Who is creating?
- Time to market: Business is a competition between few players, the intensity of competition burns down from CEO to bottom of the hierarchy. Sometimes delay in product readiness kills companies.
- Competition between two vendors: To win a contract service providers /vendors usually commit to delivering earlier than estimated.
- Estimation: Majority of the cases effort estimation will be prepared based on the deadline provided by customer rather than capacity, and we call it as estimation 🙂
- Lack of experience: Estimation made by the no experience people.
2.Synthetic Relations:
Professional egos and revelry were there with our earlier generations and with us now, and it continues. We need to secure our job rest all secondary; this has significant contribution to hate corporate jobs. How many of us have a healthy relation with our colleagues once the project/assignment/company got changed? Perhaps, very few people maintain relation for future use 🙂 or good relation. Because of these synthetic relations we don’t feel workplace as a jolly place.
3.Insecurity in corporate jobs:
Unfortunately, you don’t realize that every day of yours is a business day as you have to prove yourself
- Every day in front of your boss,
- Every time you got changed the project,
- Every time your boss got changed,
- Every time you change the company,
- And every time customer got changed.
Sh*T, how many times you need to prove yourself? If you work for 15 years in corporate world imagine how many times you need to showcase yourself. Indeed, you don’t have any value.
Don’t you think it is insecurity? What else you need a classic example than this? Can’t you prove just one time with your passion to the world?
4.Artificial Pressure in corporate jobs:
Few people from management in the corporate world don’t know work or don’t like to work. These guys enjoy all the benefits of corporate life without fail. These guys create artificial pressure to secure their corporate jobs and showcase that they are working. Trust me this is more dangerous than any other thing in the list. Do you know?This is a great skill either, and it is very expensive as you need to spend years together to learn this skill.
5.Continues learning:
Continues learning is critical in life to stay updated. Every project is new learning, every tool is new learning, every technology is new learning, every domain is a new learning, and every personality is a new learning. If you work for 15 years in corporate world, imagine how many times you need to learn new things to survive.
For instance, when I was 13 years old my father used to scold me every day as most of the time I was playing cricket rather than studying. I was so angry about him but suppressed as he is my father :). When learning is very painful at that age as it is against to my interest, if someone pressurizes me to learn which I don’t like eventually, I will be stressed out at this age, this is one more pain point why we hate the corporate job.
Though you learn more than 12 hours a day which you like, you will never be stressed out.
6.Expecting hyper growth in few years:
People wanted to buy car, house, bike and many other things from the first pay cheque. They wanted to be a manager in the year one.
Few people wanted to travel abroad as soon as possible.
We should have dreams, without dreams we can achieve nothing. However, we need to put a plan in place to achieve the goals.
7.End user expectation:
Small example on storage devices to let you know customer expectations
Our journey of storage device started from the floppy drive, and currently, we are in the era of cloud. Observe how drastically the usage of memory space got increased in the last two decades. Day by day customer requirements is getting increased, to fulfill customer requirements companies have been spending a lot in innovation.
Otherwise no matter how big the company is, very soon they disappear in the game. Eventually, that pressure burns down to every employee.
Where is Yahoo? Where is Nokia? Where is Motorola? Many live examples, if you don’t innovate anymore in the game.
Who is the customer here? You are also a customer
Consequently, you are also contributing to create pressure on yourself.
Unknowingly, all these seven reasons create so much stress and pressure on you, that is why you don’t like corporate jobs.
Also Read: Are we going in right direction?

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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