Since product managers are drivers of the company it is important to review their performance to run the show effectively. Usually, in the review cycle, business should have two different goals 1. Organization goals 2. Product goals, define effective parameters to measure them. Let the product manager set the goals which should be reviewed by product head whether the goals are in line with product and organization’s expectation. This is the real planning. Goals are not supposed to get reviewed after at the end of the review cycle but the results/achievements can be reviewed at the end.
The planning plays vital role for the product head, product manager, and admin to achieve the common goals. It can be named as ‘Next year Planning’ rather than insisting on review or performance. The review should always be driven from product/organization direction, it should not be driven from individual’s direction. Fundamentally, goals to achieve from organization should set the direction for employees rather than employees setting up the direction for the organization, so that as an organization all can achieve the common goal.
I would suggest having life cycle for the KPIs (Key performance indicators) Here is the life cycle, Analysis–> development–>Introduction–>Growth–> Maturity. It helps to calculate the % of completion of a goal. So, it would be easier to open up the discussion for both reviewer and reviewee. Below are the sample KPIs which can be leveraged.
- Number of features added and their impact in terms of reach.
- Number of features added and their impact in terms of revenue.
- Number of user stories prepared, groomed and delivered
- Types of features added 1. Bugs & customer suggestions 2. Customer requirements 3. Innovation.
- Roadmap preparation and deviation
- Process improvements if any?
- Measures taken for competitiveness.
- Customer satisfaction score and details.
- Return on investment (ROI).
- Budget and stakeholder management.
Another good read

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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