If the knowledge is ocean, learning is a glass of water to drink, to me, the end for learning is death. Learning keeps you confident, learning keeps you to stay upgraded, learning increases your age, learning increases young thoughts, learning increases focus, learning increases self-trust, learning teaches what is right and what is wrong. The moment you stop learning you are out of the game. The usage of ‘YOU’ indicates that every reader can map to his life including me.
Why learning new things increase the age? It keeps you upgraded with younger generations and your thoughts are in sync with them. otherwise, the number of your age dominates to get demotivated.
Stop learning will have only keep going. It will never have start doing.
Narasimha Mohan
Improvement has two different dimensions 1. Behavioral improvement 2. Subject improvement. One works for other means, behavioral improvement may inflame to learn subject or subject improvement may teach the behavior. Eventually, learning new things is always a good sign.
Now, the subject here is, how to keep improving as a PM outside of work?
Problem solving is a product building.
Narasimha Mohan
- Identifying a problem from a daily routine would help creating solutions.
- Find good blogs to get updated about product management and it’s dynamics.
- Reading good books is one of the good habits, it increases the focus and helps to understand the topic as well.
- Never kill the idea at the seed level, fine tune it, learn the pros and cons. Give an attempt to take it forward. Trust me, you will have abounded learning here. š š
- While picking any product one should keep analyzing the business around it. Make it as a habit.
- Question yourself, If I produce a similar product, what is going to be my approach?
- PM’s mind should always switch between two different characters 1. Customer 2. Producer.
- Do not need to be commercial but be business oriented.
- Read business news, it keeps motivated all the time.
- Being a business person never lose the business flavor, it should stay alive.
- Being a product manager always think about improvements of the product.
- Find good blogs and books on technology and keep getting updated.
- XYZ firm got ABC funding is not about technology, it is all about news, I would suggest finding right content on new technologies and innovations.
- Find open sources tools or frameworks, product development cost can be minimized by leveraging the open source tools.
- Never miss the marketing stack to get updated.
These are most important hints to keep improving as a PM outside of work.
Another good read

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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