I have attended as a speaker for a startup conference recently, few people were asking me about how to build core team, I thought it is worth to write an article about it. Core team plays a vital role in any organization. I would say the only asset for a startup is the team.
1.Passion towards startup:
Everyone is ready to work for a startup when it becomes corporate but very few people would love to be part of building a corporate from scratch. Only passion can drive a guy to be patient to build a corporate. Consequently, find a guy who is very passionate to achieve something big.
2.Decision Making:
Working for a startup is swimming against to the flow. People who are not confident enough about decision making and who always depends on others to make decisions can’t swim against to the flow. If you want to travel in opposite direction of 90% people, you need to have guts to make concrete decisions.
3.Don’t look for only loyalty:
Few startup founders are searching for individuals who are very loyal to them regardless of work while building core team. I would say it is the biggest mistake one should not do. Talent may not be loyal but should not be arrogant. Consequently, be surrounded with people who can advise you and debate you, don’t be surrounded by individuals who nod their head for every decision you make. Hope this should clarify people those who are in confusion about loyalty to build core team.
Find a co-founder who has different skills than you is also part of build core team. I would suggest it is easier to share work and avoid conflicts as well; it is critical to consider to build a core team. He/she should be matured enough to understand startups, professional enough to manage the business. Capable enough to run the show in your absence. Find a guy who responds at least 90% the similar way you respond in making decisions.
5.Ignore employee mindset:
More than 90% of the people got raised in such a way: Complete academics, go for a job, secure life for some time, retire, this is what is the society we are living in, employee mindset is not wrong, but it expects few standards 1. Works for defined timing 2. Expecting additional benefits 3. Security 4. Low aspirations 5. Standard lifestyle 6. High package of salary.
As a startup founder, you can’t promise for any of the above choices except a reasonable salary. Consequently, instead of getting a guy who has employee mindset better get a guy who has an entrepreneur mindset.
Where to find the people who are having these qualities? As I already said in many of my articles every person is a frog in the pond. Consequently, find a pond where you can find the like-minded frogs 🙂
6.An important point to consider to build core team:
- Don’t depend on a person who is convincing and making you happy other than work as these guys escape from actual work.
- Don’t trust a person who is neutral when you are in need of support. These guys do nothing for you, instead depend on an enemy, he/she may help.
- Don’t lose a person who treats the same way when you are as a small startup founder and after becoming a successful entrepreneur.
- Never delay appreciating an individual who has work ethics, morals, and passion towards what they do.
- Don’t onboard an individual who wanted to work for a big brand. Sooner or later he/she may go off as their priority is different.
- Don’t depend on a lead or a manager who choose a different path to hold the team other than work.
- Be a Hitler to get the work done because priority-2 can’t keep an organization healthy until priority-1 got fulfilled.
- Be like a father when the team needs help in professional and personal life as well.
- Always be prepared to travel alone as startup journey is with a lot of uncertainty.
- When he/she is not capable enough to perform the assigned role, never wait for a single day to move to a different role because every day and every hour matters in the initial days and you won’t have the luxury to wait.
- Don’t choose a person who wants to work for a smaller duration though he/she is very much talented.
- Never call a person and offer employment to help him/her because he/she don’t realize the value until they struggle. Let them come to you for a job.
Also Read: How to build good culture in your startup

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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