Considering two factors is essential while building a market pitch 1. The outcome of the pitch 2. Be aware sales may not get triggered because of marketing pitch. The expectation of outcome drives budget, planning and strategy, for instance, the expectation is creating a brand. Creating a brand is introducing the product/service to the customers by letting them know the problem which is being solved and how unique the product is, in a powerful way.
Prepare a concrete plan with below points to letting the customer know in a powerful way. To me, marketing pitch is not the last one to get prepared but it is the parallel one to prepare while building the product because it prompts you frequently what to build and how to reach.
Choosing media for communication
Well, the product is ready, the next step is finding a way of reaching customers or the mode of reaching customers. Media is the word in English which means the mode or the way. Physical and digital news channels are the only “media” which got registered in our mind strongly. But explore all other modes of communication including so called media. The basic here is to find how to reach, when to reach, and whom to reach. Abundant research will open up new doors with minimal cost to reach your customers.
Communication is the key to remember your brand existence for the customer. So, consistent communication keeps your brand to get registered in the mind of customers. In today’s reality, we are losing great relationships due to lack of communication, imagine about a brand.
A striking advertisement
Advertisement is drawing attention for a moment, it could be 5-60 seconds, it could be an image, text or a video. Categorizing customers help to prepare an advertisement. Based on income group, literacy, and intellectuals. Majority of the customers blindly follow and get inspired by celebrities. That is the reason advertisements are made with celebrities. So, understand your customer and let them know what the product is, advantages of using the product in a crisp way.
Targeting the target audience
Well, the product is ready, media of communication is ready, advertisement is ready. Finally, ready to pitching into market — The marketing pitch. Reaching a right customer is essential to trigger sales. The business plan could have prepared with the target set of audience, its time to target them to reach at the right time.
- How to reach — The media plan is ready.
- Whom to reach — The business plan is ready.
- When to reach — Is the real thing to work in “targeting the target audience”.
Letting the customer know the quality
Value for money is the key to trigger sales. The customer should convince his/her self for the return on spending. No matter what the price tag is, the phycology works the same from one dollar to a million dollar. The origin of trial version started here. So, let the customer know the quality of product either by feeling or experiencing. Choice is yours.
The USP (Unique selling point)
Develop a proposition to showcase the uniqueness. The proposition could be the uniqueness of the product, an association, customer caring, solving a problem or even a small feature which is differentiating from others can and should be highlighted, communicated, explained, and convinced. Eventually, the proposition can turn into a strong point :). The more product is unique doesn’t mean the more success. The uniqueness should be communicated and convinced in a right way.
A promise for the support
Customer expects the confidence from two directions 1. In terms of quality 2. In terms of support. Support gives the confidence, it reflects your commitment, dedication and continual improvement. The evidence for caring and sustenance. Though the product is not matured enough, continues support increases the customer base. So, a promise for support is a promise of commitment.
Branding is part of marketing pitch
TemplatePoint for marketing pitch templates
Another good read

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
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