One of my friends would like to start an IT company which sells service in .net technology. I know him personally no doubt he is an expert and can be an excellent solution provider but the reality of IT and ITES is different.
A service will have good return when it has a demand, but the supply is more and demand is less. Eventually, the service sells for cheap. Because of the competition, the billing rates are pretty low, and the operations cost is getting increased.
How many of the Indian companies built the expertise and ready to provide the service to the below needs, the majority of the companies have been failing to extend WHY?
- Big Data
- Data Analytics
- Saas
- Cyber Security
- Cloud computing
Indian mindset would always opt to give the service rather than develop a product that’s why it is still in the mode of executing the business instead of creating business eventually we lose the competitive advantage. We never want to take the risk.
How many of the big Indian IT tycoons are interested in spending for R&D to invent something?WHY? End of the financial year they don’t want to lag in the number game and the share value.
When they syndicate to create a database for the human resources can’t they syndicate and invest something in the innovation without having the impact on their number game?
Majority of the engineering students going to college in a uniform and following the advises of their parents blindly as a school going kid. how come the invention would come out? students should change and they have to think on their own. this is another big issue killing some bright minds.
As the great philosopher, Plato said ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ We have a lot of necessity but no invention.
The bitter truth everyone should know. India didn’t get a place in top 100 global innovators, see this report.
source(Thomson Reuters)
However, instead of firing the people and minimizing the cost of electricity and operations invest something on innovation, product development or at least develop the skill pool to support the current trends.
The majority of the companies are now serving support and maintenance to their customers, If we don’t realize this fact slowly the industry turns to tech support. Apart from these facts, NASSCOM published a report that we climbed to the third position in start-ups, how many of them are really invented something new???
I would request, please don’t start-up something to offer an IT service for same old application development and support & maintenance we have more than enough.
A product can create a business, not a service. Realize India

He is the Author, Product Specialist, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Thought provoking writer, and Joke writer. Follow him on Twitter
Imteresting article Mohan. I agree with you totally
Thought provoking. Projects done in most schools and colleges are mostly copy paste and downloads. There is a pressure to get done with it and move on to focus on the marks and completion of the degree. The result is that at a very young age innovation is replaced by other priorities.